There’s Nothing Under Your F*cking Bed In Subversive Kid’s Book
Now here’s a book I would have loved to read as a kid! There’s Nothing Under Your F*cking Bed takes the concept of reading to your kids before they go to sleep and turns it on its head, with hilarious results. This very entertaining and subversive book is now available to buy for just $1.97 on Amazon.
There’s Nothing Under Your F*cking Bed is the latest in the Inappropriate Children’s Books series fromĀ Nick and Kate Wilkinson. Previous entries include Nudies On Your Phone, The Bottle Or The Boob, Picky Eaters Suck, and H Is For Heroin. In all honesty though, it’s probably best to keep these away from the little ones!
Average children’s stories kind of suck. They’re not funny or interesting. They’re usually just rhyme filled drivel meant to occupy the time between when you first put the children to bed and their fifth glass of water.
It’s our own fault for letting the kids stay up and watch horror movies! Now you have to check under the bed for the fifteenth time, and then go explain to mom why she has to wash the sheets in the morning. Say it one more time before sending them off to sleep… There’s nothing under your f*cking bed!
These quick and clever “stories” are inappropriate fun for the whole family! Based on real life experiences, these are stories that parents can read to themselves, after all the little monsters are tucked in and sound asleep.