Aliens vs. Avatars Schedule Their Smackdown for September

Amok alien monster loose in the woods on Earth, blue-skinned extraterrestrial female sent to stop it, retro robot sidekick, partying teens, bikini babes, buckets of blood: Aliens vs. Avatars already sounds better than Skyline.
A race of creatures known as the Scythe have become a plague in the universe. Cunning and powerful foes, they possess the ability to transform into anything from which they have consumed DNA. On a mission to stop the plague that her people unleashed, a beautiful alien named Ava has followed the Scythe to Earth.
Meanwhile, six college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip find themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with the Scythe. Not knowing what to do or whom to trust, they struggle to protect themselves and keep it together. Reluctantly joining forces with Ava, they quickly learn what they are up against. Can they defeat the Scythe before it slaughters them one by one?
Cassie Fliegel (Don’t Look in the Cellar), Jason Lockhart (Vampire Boys), Kim Argetsinger (Skull Heads), Dylan Vox (Battle of Los Angeles), Marlene Mc’Cohen (Alice in Murderland), and scream queen Victoria DeMare (Killjoy 3) star in this heaping hunk of sci-fi blue cheese from Dr. Chopper director Lewis Schoenbrun.
Aliens vs. Avatars invades DVD on September 20th, courtesy of Tempe Video. Give the distributors credit for releasing another Alien vs. Predator inspired film and not recycling the “Whoever Wins… We Lose” tagline.
Have a go at the short preview below for a taste of the delirium to come.
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