Pierce Brosnan to Rattle Stephen King’s Bag of Bones

Sea and Be Scene
With Mick Garris’ adaptation of the Stephen King novel Bag of Bones going before cameras very soon, the first bit of casting news has slinked its way online and we have it for you right here! Dig it!
Sea and Be Scene reports that Pierce Brosnan is set to star in the mini-series as Mike Noonan. Pretty nifty! Look for more casting news to come sooner than you think. We’ll keep you posted.
Thanks to DC reader John Swinimer.
Book Synopsis:
Several years after his wife’s death, novelist Mike Noonan still suffers writer’s block. A dream inspires him to return to the couple’s summer retreat in western Maine, a lakeside house called Sara Laughs. Shortly after arriving, Noonan is caught in the middle of a custody battle involving the daughter of an attractive young widow and the child’s enormously wealthy grandfather. He also discovers that Sara Laughs is haunted and that his late wife, Joanna, still has something to tell him.

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