DreadVision Honors Bill Paxton with Near Dark in September

The year 2017 has sucked. I mean, really sucked hard core.
One of the most shocking and depressing events this year was the sudden and unexpected death of the great Bill Paxton at the too young age of 61. Paxton was a genre treasure, from his work in Aliens to his directorial masterpiece Frailty. My favorite Paxton role, however, will always be the blood-sucking force of nature known as Severin from Near Dark.
It’s this Southern vampire epic that we’re showing for September’s DreadVision screening at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, Texas. We not only honor the late, great Texan but also fulfill my wife’s birthday wish that we show a vampire film.
The folks at the Alamo have unearthed a 35mm print of director Kathryn Bigelow’s incredible 1987 tale, and that’s what we’ll be showing on Tuesday, September 12th, at 9pm.
As always, we’ll have a Box of Dread challenge to win one of the August boxes, and I promise you this one will be very, very red. We also have a group of cosplayers coming out in Near Dark gear. Anyone coming in costume as one of the characters from the film will go home with a little goodie from our Box of Dread Challenge Goodie Bag.
As always, it’s TACO Tuesday so “Tickets Are Cheap On” Tuesday – only $5! Get your tickets now as this will be a very popular showing and is expected to sell quickly.
Stay tuned for the next announcement for our October screening as it’s our first anniversary and, of course, Halloween month. We’re gonna tell you some wonderful tales…