Horror Movies and Video Games Get the Goosebumps Cover Treatment

Growing up, R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series was more than a collection of creepy tales. For me, it was a collection, a franchise that showed a love of horror in all its forms. From supernatural to body horror, monsters to possessions, mad scientists to the undead, these books were made to create horror fans that would grow to appreciate the range of the genre and all that it had to offer.

That’s why I love the Tumblr If It Were Stine, which takes horror movies and video games and gives them the Goosebumps cover treatment. It’s a way of showing that the properties we love now as adults are a reflection of the influence that Stine’s books had on us as children. While I know I would love horror today even without Goosebumps, I cannot and WILL not deny the positive impact they had on me.

So, check out these fantastic Goosebumps faux covers for titles such as Silent Hill, Clock Tower, Hocus Pocus, Ghostbusters, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Resident Evil, Alien, The Fly, Rosemary’s Baby, and more!



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