Stephen King’s IT: Red Balloons Don’t Float with the Lititz Borough Police Department

The new film version of Stephen King’s IT is only a few days away, but fans in Pennsylvania are getting a little too eager for the police department’s liking. According to the Lititz Borough Police Department’s Facebook page, red balloons poking out of sewers have them “terrified.”
“A certain movie is coming to theaters in two days, and a local prankster took it upon themselves to promote the movie… we give points for creativity; however, we want the local prankster to know that we were completely terrified as we removed these balloons from the grates, and we respectfully request they do not do that again.”
The post continues:
“If you’re not sure what we’re talking about, search ‘IT’ and watch the preview, but we suggest watching the preview with a friend or coworker with all the lights on and the sound down low. ‘You’ll float too.'”
The department has turned over the investigation to its Criminal Investigations Division for further analysis. Bravo!