Horror Box Office – OPENING THIS WEEK: September 8, 2017

You’ve seen the coming attractions for It, and finally this week, you can see It for yourself. So go see It, then tell your friends about It and you can discuss whether you liked It or not!
If that isn’t your thing, then you can check out the immensely talented Olivia Cooke in The Limehouse Golem.
Click on the titles below for full coverage and remember to check back every Thursday at 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET for updates.
A group of international students explores a basement that has been abandoned for years. But what starts off as an exploratory séance ends in bloody mayhem when a malicious entity is summoned.
In Derry, Maine, seven friends come face-to-face with a shape shifter, who takes the form of an evil clown who targets children.
A series of murders has shaken the community to the point where people believe that only a legendary creature from dark times – the mythical so-called Golem – must be responsible.