Infographic Explores the Highs and Lows of Stephen King Adaptations

Our friends over at just sent over a neat infographic which explores the hits and misses of the slew of Stephen King adaptations. Dig it!
There’s no question that Stephen King is the one of the most prominent, influential horror authors ever. Since selling his first short story in 1967, Stephen King has been a publishing machine over the past 50 years. He’s penned more than 50 novels and more than 200 short stories, with plenty of other written work in between. Over the years, King has even built his own fictional universe in connecting the worlds described in his work, many of them to The Dark Tower series along with several other characters and locations that either appear or are referenced in other stories.
Not only has his work been the prime inspiration for several other authors, but for movie and television studios as well. To date, there have been more than 60 films and TV series adapted from novels, novellas, short stories, and even original screenplays. The next to be released is The Dark Tower, which is a continuation of the book series that combines elements adapted from the eight novels. The story from the movie will continue on in a Dark Tower TV series and as with the books, it is said to connect to other stories in King’s universe. IT, the next Stephen King adaption to be released theatrically, is also said to have connections to the Dark Tower universe, which is evedent in the latest video tweeted out by Sony (btw, the latest IT trailer is terrifying!). You can see the full list of Stephen King’s adapations and learn more about some of the connections in our infographic below!
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