Rev Your Chainsaws! The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’s Leatherface Joins Dead By Daylight

We’ve got some huge news that should make make horror gamers everywhere race home to power up their consoles and PCs!
Leatherface, the iconic killer from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies, has just been added as an official playable character to the hit game Dead by Daylight. This makes him the second famous horror movie icon to be featured in the game after Halloween’s Michael Myers. In addition to his signature chainsaw, Leatherface also comes wielding a deadly-looking sledgehammer, so there definitely won’t be any survivors left once he’s let loose on the game’s maps.
If you play Dead by Daylight on Steam, you can purchase Leatherface as a playable character for $3.99 here. He’ll be heading to the console versions of the game in the near future.
As with most new killers added to the game, Leatherface was also given his own biography on the Dead by Daylight website.
New killer: Leatherface
Whether killers perform their heinous acts by the compulsions of their diseased minds or if they are forced into them by external pressures has long been a matter of debate. But for one killer, nature and nurture are inextricably linked. Leatherface kills not from a desire to exert his will over others, to satisfy carnal urges, or even to quiet the voices in his head. He kills because he is scared. Scared that others will hurt him, scared that his family will be displeased with him, scared that their shared willingness to eat human flesh will be discovered.
Leatherface is here! The chainsaw is fueled, dinner awaits, and you are the main course. Dead by Daylight is getting a new Killer – the iconic Leatherface. Known to horror enthusiast around the world and feared by Survivors, Leatherface is now a part of the Entity’s Realm.
Leatherface is released on Steam for $3.99
Categorized:Horror Gaming News