Get Paralyzed with Fear

Are any of you guys familiar with a term called “hagging”? It’s said that when you wake up in the middle of the night and find yourself frozen and unable to move, there’s a spirit on your chest weighing you down. Speaking as someone who has had this experience, I can tell you first-hand its pretty frightening.
Now F/X artist Aaron Sims (The Apparition, The Thing, Amazing Spider-Man, Clash of the Titans, The Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I Am Legend, 30 Days of Night, The Mist) and Final Destination scribe Jeffrey Reddick are out to show you how spooky it can be with their new short Paralyzed.
The film, which you can dig on below starring Brit Morgan, Jay Rodan, and Mark Steger, is being shopped around to get a feature length movie made. We’ll keep you in the loop as to what success if any the duo have in terms of getting that going. All we know is that if we were a studio, we’d be ALL OVER IT!
“Sleep paralysis is a bizarre phenomenon where victims wake up and find they can’t move. In most cases, people sense an evil presence in the room with them. Many also report seeing a terrifying figure sitting on their chest…choking them.
Sleep paralysis is a worldwide phenomenon that has been documented since ancient times, and studies say that most people will experience it at least once in their lives.”
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