Trailer Released For Linnea Quigley-Led Werewolf Film Bonehill Road

A trailer has been released for the upcoming werewolf horror film Bonehill Road, which you can see below.
Director Todd Sheets explains, “Werewolves are my favorite monsters of all time and Bonehill Road is truly my dream project, something I have wanted to do for years. And now I get my chance.
From the press release:
Bonehill Road is a modern werewolf film, done the classic way. Bringing back the monster movies we loved for a new generation of Horror fans. It is both retro and original, a hybrid of styles and ideas that is sure to excite horror audiences both old and new.
Directed by Sheets and produced by Amanda Payton, Bonehill Road stars Linnea Quigley, Gary Warner Kent, Eli DeGeer, Ana Rojas Plumberg, Millie MIlan, Dilynn Fawn Harvey, and Douglas Epps.