Fan Combines Prometheus and Alien: Covenant Into a New 2.5-Hour Film Titled Paradise

Over the past couple of years, Job Willins has made a name for himself with his fan edits that mash two films into one cohesive beast. He did this with Derelict, which combined scenes from Prometheus with the 1979 sci-fi/horror classic Alien. He did this with Man of Tomorrow, which was an amalgamation of Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.
Today, Willins is back with a new fan edit, this one titled Paradise. The 2.5 hour film combines Ridley Scott’s latest Alien films Prometheus and Alien: Covenant with a David-centric focus on narrative. As Willins explains, “I aimed to enhance much of the excitement and mystery from the two films by unfolding them in parallel and playing them off one-another.”
On top of using scenes that were seen in the theatrical versions, Willins pulled footage from other sources. “Some content from deleted scenes and marketing materials from both films have been used, as well as additional music which is credited at the end of the film,” he explains.
If you want to watch Paradise, you can download one of two version right here. You can also see a teaser below.