Celebrate The Howling UK Blu-ray Debut with a Cut to Shreds Clip!

Ask any devout horror fanatic to name a werewolf movie off the top of their head, and they’ll probably tell you An American Werewolf in London. Ask them for another, and The Howling won’t be far behind.
Finally, after all these years, Joe Dante’s seminal snout-stretching classic (that spawned a litany of awful sequels) is getting the high definition treatment in the UK! Courtesy of StudioCanal, the film arrives on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital Download on October 9, sporting over an hour of new special features. You can pre-order it now from Amazon UK.
To celebrate the release, here’s a glimpse of Cut to Shreds — a featurette that offers an editor’s perspective on Rob Bottin’s legendary effects work. Enjoy!
After an intense confrontation with a serial killer, news anchor Karen White (Dee Wallace) is left traumatised and suffering from amnesia. In need of recovery, Karen takes refuge within “The Colony,” a country retreat organised by her psychiatrist, Dr. Waggner (Patrick Macnee). But things at “The Colony” aren’t as idyllic as they originally seemed, and as blood-curdling screams break the midnight silence, Karen’s memories slowly begin to come into focus.