Pittsburgh Hosting a Week Long Celebration of George A. Romero

George A. Romero is indeed a filmmaker who should be celebrated every single damned day, and there’s something really special cooking in his home town! Read on for details.
From the Press Release:
Pittsburgh Comes Together to Show our Love and Appreciation of the Late George Romero During a Special Week-Long Tribute Friday, October 13th Row House Cinema
George Romero was an icon among horror fans and is often considered the “Father of the Zombie Movie”. His film “Night of the Living Dead”, released in 1968, is a cult favorite and launched a new wave of modern zombie movies.
As a tribute to the legendary Pittsburgher, several local businesses have teamed up to develop a week’s worth of programs and screenings of Romero’s films, including Row House Cinema, the Douglas Education Center, House Of The Dead, The ScareHouse, makeup artists, special effects artists, and filmmakers.
The week, titled “A Celebration of George Romero,” will occur from Friday, October 13th to Thursday, October, 19th, 2017, with most events held at Row House Cinema in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh.
Events include the “resurrection” of Pittsburgh zombie store House of the Dead, a mini Zombie School featuring lessons on how to act like a zombie from nationally acclaimed haunted house The ScareHouse, a #RomeroWasHere Scavenger Hunt sending participants to many of the locations where Romero filmed his movies throughout Western Pennsylvania, and a horror themed trivia night at Bierport.
Additionally, there will be heavy involvement from the Douglas Education Center’s George A. Romero’s Filmmaking Program and Tom Savini’s Special Makeup and Effects Program. All of the proceeds from the makeup and special effects demonstrations will go directly to the students who are displaying their craft.
George Romero has had an undeniable influence on the Pittsburgh community, and now the community is looking to honor his memory.
More information about the events, times, and locations, including the schedule of movies, please visit http://rowhousecinema.com/romero/.
Tickets can be purchased HERE!