Horror Equity Fund Sponsoring the American Horrors Film Festival

We have more news concerning the Horror Equity Fund! Read on for the very latest!
From the Press Release:
Horror Equity Fund is thrilled to announce they are officially the first corporate sponsor of the American Horrors Film Festival.
The American Horrors Film Festival will be hosted by horror legend Hart D. Fisher and Wisconsin’s most popular horror show host, Deadgar Winter & his DeadGirls, this October 27th and 28th at the recently renovated and reopened Geneva Theaters in historic downtown Lake Geneva, WI.
For entry information contact festival director Hart D. Fisher directly via email at [email protected], or visit the American Horrors website.
Stay tuned for updates; and for more information in the meantime, visit the official Horror Equity Fund website, “like” Horror Equity Fund on Facebook, and follow Horror Equity Fund on Twitter and Instagram.