This Exclusive Freehold Clip Is a Creeper

Still relatively fresh from its crowd-pleasing appearance at the 2017 Horror Channel FrightFest, Dominic Bridges’ darkly funny home invasion flick Freehold (review) moves in on UK DVD this October 9 from Precision Pictures.
To celebrate the upcoming release, here’s a clip that demonstrates the delicate (and sometimes not so delicate) nature of creepy hidden resident Orlan as he stalks the flat of ever-suffering estate agent Hussein during the dead of night.
Freehold stars Javier Botet, Mim Shaikh, Mandeep Dhillon, Michael McKell, and Kola Bokinni.
Orlan’s life is turned upside down when Hussein, a slick and sleazy estate agent, scuppers his plan to buy a home. While Hussein carries on as normal, oblivious to the trail of damage he has left behind him, Orlan decides to take revenge. However, his plan to get even with Hussein, and make his life as uncomfortable as possible, soon escalates out of control.