Fantasia 2011: Morituris – Over a Dozen New Stills and Trailer

Fantasia International Film Festival
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Get ready for a boatload of goodies from the new flick getting ready to make its debut at the Fantasia International Film Festival 2011, Morituris! Tread carefully, though … there’s some full frontal lurking about so this stuff is NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Unless of course you work here where we like the naughty bits!
Dig on the goods below for the flick, which features some top notch and gooey F/X work from the great Sergio Stivaletti.
Rome in 73 B.C. Spartacus led the rebellion of 200 gladiators which saw them opposed to the inhumanity Rome had forced them into. During the riot they resisted for a long time against Roman soldiers. Few against a whole army. Some of them went crazy and started murders, rapes and violence. Spartacus punished them with death. But in those lands, when blood gets shed, they come back.

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