Werewolf Novel Feral Howls In Paperback and eBook

We love a good werewolf tale here at Dread Central, so it warms our hearts to tell you about this ferocious beast of literary horror that comes from our very own Matt Serafini. This is one book you don’t want to miss.
The best thing about Feral is that it knows its audience. So many modern werewolf books focus on the romantic aspects of these creatures, and if we learned anything in the Twilight years, it’s that it pisses horror fans off. Feral, on the other hand, is right up their alley. A brutal bite of a horror novel that will keep you cats up late and turning pages.
These are seriously evil creatures (even the halfway decent ones) who aren’t happy unless they’re picking chunks of flesh from between their teeth.
From the back cover:
There’s a thin line between animal and man. A line that’s about to be crossed.
Jack and Allen need a break. They’ve decided to spend the summer before their senior year of college out in Western Massachusetts. But their quest for rest and relaxation comes to an end when they arrive in Greifsfield, MA. Their friendship is tested by a mysterious beauty and her razor sharp smile, then broken when they’re caught up in a rash of mysterious disappearances. How will these two friends cope with the truth behind a town that craves raw meat? And how will they survive beneath the glow of the full moon?
Werewolves are real and there’s no such thing as escape. This vacation’s about to get a little hairy.
Feral comes courtesy of Black T-Shirt Books. Originally published by the esteemed Severed Press in 2012, this new edition boasts the author’s preferred version and a dead sexy cover. Pick up your own copy in either paperback and ebook on Amazon. Paperback sales are supported by Kindle Matchbook, meaning every purchase puts an ebook copy in your inbox as well.
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