Mother of Tears Poster, Trailer

Now this is just a damn fine teaser trailer, right here. Yahoo! Movies Italy got the first look at the Mother of Tears poster and trailer, both of which kick copious forms of ass.
I got to see about 20 minutes of the film when star Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni showed it off at the most recent Weekend of Horrors and let me tell you; what I saw of it looks amazing. The acting is tight, the gore is plentiful, and the story looks like it might actually make some form of sense (unlike Suspiria or Inferno, to a lesser degree). Hopefully some of that will make it’s way online soon, as well, but for now we’ve got a teaser and poster to feast upon.
Click here to check out the Mother of Tears teaser trailer and look for more info on the film’s eventual US debut right here on Dread Central. It opens on Halloween 2007 in Italy (why can’t we be that lucky!?!) which I can imagine is going to be a huge media event over there.
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