Stephen King Plans to Write One More Dark Tower Story

This past summer we finally saw the feature film adaptation of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower hit the big screen. And it was, for most fans, a major disappointment. You can read both our reviews for the film HERE and HERE.
That said there is still talk of completely rebooting the stories for the small screen with the planned TV adaptation heading our way sooner or later. But what about the novels?
It has been years since King wrapped up “The Dark Tower” series with “The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower” back in 2004. But King did surprise the world with another “The Dark Tower” tale in the form of 2012’s “The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole.” Will he do it again?
According to King himself, the answer is, “Yes, I think that might happen.”
You can check out King confirming this in the video below taken at a recent book-signing for King’s new novel “Sleeping Beauties”, which he co-wrote with his son Owen King.
Check out the video below and then let us know how excited you are for a new tale in “The Dark Tower” saga.