Confirmed: Jeepers Creepers 3 Will Air on Syfy October 28/29

Dread Central both acknowledges and condemns the past crimes committed by Victor Salva. However, we are a news website dedicated to bringing you the headlines, and we cannot and will not let our personal beliefs influence how we bring you news. Instead, we leave it for you to decide whom or what you should or shouldn’t support. For those of you who want to further rally against Salva, there’s a petition here to boycott his upcoming film.
Additionally, Nathan Forrest Winters, one of Salva’s victims, is raising money for a documentary where he will, “…raise awareness, educate, and provide information and tools to stop sexual child abuse at all levels.” To help him with his cause, click here. Thank you.
Last week we brought you guys the news (rumor) that the upcoming third entry in the Jeepers Creepers franchise was going to be making its TV premiere during the Syfy channel’s 31 Days of Halloween event this October.
And today we can confirm that news.
Special thanks to Dread Central reader Eddie Grigg for pointing out that Syfy has added Jeepers Creepers 3 to its scheduling line-up. The film will officially air on Saturday, October 28th, at 9 PM and will have an encore showing Sunday, October 29th, at 7 PM.
So mark your calendars, ladies and gents. And get ready for the return of The Creeper this October on Syfy.
Jeepers Creepers 3 is written and directed by Victor Salva and stars Jonathan Breck as The Creeper along with Gabrielle Haugh, Stan Shaw, Meg Foster, Chester Rushing, and Gina Philips.
On the last day of the Creeper’s twenty-three-day feeding frenzy, skeptical Sargent Tubbs teams up with a task force hellbent on destroying the Creeper for good. The Creeper fights back in gory glory as its enemies grow closer than ever before to learning the secret of its dark origins.