Halloween Terror Comes to Overwatch

If you’re one of the millions of gamers who plays Blizzard’s online multiplayer shooter Overwatch, you might be interested in participating in the game’s huge Halloween Terror 2017 event, which is now in full swing.
Lasting until November 1, the event features horror-themed skins for all playable characters, all of which are pictured below. Also included in the Halloween Terror event is a return of the Junkenstein’s Revenge co-operative brawler mode, which was also features in the game’s Halloween event from last year. Lastly, the Hollywood and Eichenwalde playable maps have also been given spooky Halloween-themed makeovers, and pumpkin trick or treat loot boxes have been added in, with prices ranging from a set of two for $1.99, all the way to a set of fifty for $39.99.
If you want to learn more about Overwatch’s 2017 Halloween Terror event, you can do so on its official website. If you’re one of the only people in the world who still hasn’t played Overwatch, you can also buy your copy here.
Overwatch Halloween Terror Official Synopsis:
Terror Returns! The fright for the future has begun, heroes!
For the next three weeks, we’re celebrating the spookiest time of the year with a seasonal event. Expand your collection of seasonal-themed items and relive a chilling tale in our PvE brawl: Junkenstein’s Revenge.
This year, we’ve added a new endless mode for Junkenstein’s Revenge, with leaderboards to commemorate those who last the longest in their fight against the evil doctor. Plus, unlock over 50 new seasonal items—including new legendary skins like Dracula Reaper, Van Helsing McCree, Totally 80’s Zarya, and Dragon Symmetra—alongside last year’s Halloween Terror gear.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News