San Diego Comic-Con 2011: Prometheus Panel News! First Footage Descriptions

The panel for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus is happening right now in Hall H of the San Diego Comic-Con and we’ve got the lowdown on what’s being said and what’s being shown from Andrew Kasch …
Montage of Ridley Scott films and an interview with him on set.
Scott says “It has the DNA of the original Alien; that’s it. Everything else is completely original.”
We see bursts of crew members on spaceship that looks much like the Nostromo … We see hypersleep chambers.
Intercut with footage of crew in space suits exploring Giger-esque caverns including a platform that looks like the place where the Space Jockey is. Lots of strange pods are laid out.
Michael Fassbender in a lab exploring some goopy alien material.
Charlize Theron screams “Get back!” and blasts a man with a flamethrower.
Aesthetically and design-wise it looks exactly like the original Alien. Definitely in the same universe. Scott teased the crowd that in the final minutes of the movie, a big question left over from Alien is going to be answered. He also teased that there might be one android on the crew.
More footage details:
Charlize practically naked doing pushups
Lots of crew members screaming
A guy in a space suit is sucked back into a tunnel
Weird alien markings on cave wall
The film is apparently PG13, but Scott hinted they are covering their asses with more extreme material and will do what’s right for the film in the end. He says it is not hindering the movie and that he wants “to scare the shit out of you.”
Prometheus stars Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall-Green, Ben Foster, and Michael Fassbender.
Look for Prometheus in theaters on June 8th, 2012.
Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life’s ultimate mystery.
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