San Diego Comic-Con 2011: Dexter Season 6 Trailer and Panel Highlights

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San Diego Comic-ConPer usual, one of the more entertaining panels of the San Diego Comic-Con was the one held for Showtime’s “Dexter” on Thursday, July 21st, and we have the highlights for you right here along with a look at the Season 6 trailer that debuted during the show.

Participants included executive producers Sara Colleton and Scott Buck, star Michael C. Hall (Dexter Morgan himself), C.S. Lee (Vince Masuka), David Zayas (Angel Bastista), James Remar (Harry Morgan), and guest star Colin Hanks (Travis Marshall). Also popping in during the audience Q&A portion was another Season 6 guest star, Mos Def (Brother Sam).

Kicking things off was the announcement of a fall launch of the new social media game “Slice of Life” coming via Facebook. It will follow along with Season 6, and players can also face past “Dexter” adversaries like Trinity and the Ice Truck Killer. It will coincide with the October 2nd, 2011, premiere of the new season.

Hanks was asked what we can expect from his character, and in true “Dexter” fashion he was tight-lipped except to say that we’re gonna see some stuff this season we have not seen before; it’s gonna be exciting! Later he mentioned how he’s mostly just working with Edward James Olmos, not the show’s regulars, and is having a great time.

Hall discussed a bit about how now that Harrison is older (they are skipping ahead a full year in the storyline), it’s harder for Dexter to hide things. His son is more in need of the type of guidance Dexter can’t really provide, including spiritual guidance. Colleton added that Dexter knows what not to pass on to Harrison but not what he should. “Defining faith” is the theme of the season. Later in the panel it was brought up that Dexter will be faced with the nagging fear that Harrison will need to kill just like his father.

Zayas didn’t say much about his relationship with new wife LaGuerta other than that it’s “spicy” and this year should be even “more interesting” than last.

Remar was asked if Harry will be imparting more advice to Dex this season, and he responded that it’s more a case of Harry echoing in Dexter’s head as a devil’s advocate rather than giving him specific advice about how to raise his son.

As for fan favorite Lee’s storyline, Masuka will be dealing with interns this season – both male and female. There’ll even be an “Intern of the Week” tie-in to the show on the “Dexter” Facebook page. When he was asked to name his favorite season of the show, he responded that it’s still to come — the one when Masuka and Deb (Jennifer Carpenter) get married! (Big laugh from the crowd on that one.)

Buck brought up the fact of how lucky they are to be able to attract such high quality guest stars, and when Colleton was asked if there’d be any additional crossover with the Dexter series of books by Jeff Lindsay, she said they only bought the rights to the first novel and evolved the character from there. In fact, they haven’t read the rest of the books.

A recurring question each year is if Deb’s going to find out about Dexter’s proclivities. Buck nipped it in the bud with “Deb is very smart, but Dexter is smarter.” And what about Quinn (Desmond Harrington), who seemed to be inching closer to the truth last season? “Dexter is definitely smarter!” Buck replied.

It was at this point that Mos dropped by, but of course he provided no info on his new character either.

Then it was back to Dexter’s state of mind as we begin Season 6. He’s totally “unplugged” from Lumen but still desires connection. He does achieve some of that with his victims, although of course it’s only on a short-term basis.

Speaking of connections, will we see Aster and Cody again? With their mom gone, having them around is a logistical impossibility for Dexter, but Buck promised that we will see them again “eventually”.

Dexter has made other changes to accommodate Harrison such as liquidating the house he shared with Rita, and Batista’s sister is in the picture helping him out with his fatherly duties.

Things closed out with an audience member asking if Deb will find happiness, and Buck replied, “I think she already has.”

Now take a peek at the Season 6 trailer below along with some photos from the panel and see if you don’t share our renewed enthusiasm for the show after its less than stellar Season 5.

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