San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The River Panel Highlights and Teaser One-Sheets

ABC, Cinéma vérité, Horror TV, Oren Peli, SDCC 11, The River
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The pilot screening and panel for ABC’s new midseason show “The River” just ended, and The Woman in Black reported in with the highlights and photos of the mini-posters they handed out.
We’ll be providing a full “first impressions” story on the episode (and better pictures of the posters) soon, but here are a few comments on the pilot:
Get excited, horror fans! We have a genuinely spooky, very well-acted, edge-of-your-seat nailbiter of a true genre show on network TV to look forward to. At times you’ll forget you’re watching found footage, but then the camera shifts to grainy handheld and reminds you that what’s onscreen is “real“. Some of the tricks and treats will be familiar to fans of Paranormal Activity, especially PA 2, but expect some new chills and thrills as well.
Now, as for the panel – it was short but sweet. On hand were stars Leslie Hope, Eloise Mumford, and Joe Anderson with producers Oren Peli, Michael Green, and Zack Estrin.
Green kicked things off by telling us that the network said, “Don’t water it down. Make the best show you can.”
Peli said their goal was to create a show that is very scary so that viewers will be terrified but not grossed out. They want us to watch not with our fingers covering our eyes but instead by peeking out through our fingers. Less Saw, more Poltergeist. (That got a big cheer from the audience.)
When asked if they have a cement conclusion, the producers all smiled and said yes, they know what they’re doing!
Things wrapped up with a video message from actor Bruce Greenwood, who plays the missing Dr. Emmet Cole, warning us, “The river is not what I thought it was. There is more than just magic out here.”

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