San Diego Comic-Con 2011: True Blood Panel Highlights and “In the Coming Weeks” Sneak Peek Video

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The Twitter account for HBO’s “True Blood” live-blogged the show’s panel held during San Diego Comic-Con, and we have it for you right here in its entirety along with the “In the Coming Weeks” sneak peek video that was shown. Start at the bottom and work your way up for ALL the details!

Vampire diariesAudition stories. Rutina: “When I got the part, I literally started crying. I’m very thankful to you, Alan, for the opportunity.” *tears*

Fan thanks the True Blood panel for making his “marriage relations a whole lot better.” Crowd goes wild. #trueblood #hot

Books vs. writing the show? Alan: “1. The books are all Sookie’s story. We can’t do that. 2. If we stuck to books, there’d be no surprises.”

Kristin: “I’d like to think Eric is willing to do anything to save Pam.” Alex: “He doesn’t care about many, but she means a lot to him.”

Making Six Feet Under vs. True Blood? Alan: “True Blood is never depressing. The supernatural nature makes it fun to come to work.”

Most memorable experience? Alex: “It was fun flying. Flashbacks. Stuff in Swedish, the Viking stuff. Why Eric is who he is today.”

What supes haven’t we seen yet? Alan: “Cream of mushroom?” Ha. “Spirits without bodies. Brujo-based creatures. More research to come.”

Fan asks Nelsan to call her “hooker.” Nelsan gives his best “hookah.”

Stephen: “It all comes down to the writing. Unless the writing is good, you can’t do it. We’ve got an unbelievable group surrounding Alan.”

Inspiration? Anna: “Even though these characters are supernatural, they’re grounded in human reality. What Sookie goes through is real.”

Alan: “This show has a tremendous amount of life. I hope we get to a point where we have to explain why vampires seem to be aging.”

International Truebie love? Alan: “This show is universal. People all over the world love crazy messed up weirdness.”

Is the storyline between Sam and Tara done? Alan: “Nothing’s ever done on this show.”

Alan: “The entire vampire community is under siege. They’re fighting a common enemy. And that enemy is Michelle Bachmann.”

Kristin: “Pam’s only vulnerable about her Maker. And now, losing her face.”

Oh boy! @Janina bum-rushes the fan questions! Tells the cast they’re all going to hell!

If Lafayette could date someone, would it be Eric, Jason, or Bill? Nelsan: “I must say I’m happy with the squeeze I got. But I’ll do all 4.”

Are we going to see Pam’s made story? Alan: “You will definitely see it in Season 5.” Alex: “Aww, my baby.” Kristin: “Daddy.” Baby talk.

Why’s Eric’s voice higher this season? Alex: “I was more of a robot. But I’m becoming more and more human.”

Alan: “What I love about the comic books – it’s more story in a different format.”

@JoeManganiello is filming a movie in Atlanta and @SamTrammell’s about to have twins – in case you’re wondering why they did not attend!

Alex’s favorite scene this season so far? Eric’s swim in the sun.

Favorite scenes so far this season? Alan: “Jason’s ritualistic gang rape.” Ryan: “I’ll take it.”

(cont) “It may not be exactly what happens in the books. It may be weirder. And dirtier.”

Will we see the famous shower scene? Alan pauses. “There will be a moment where Sookie and Eric are together in a shower.”

What’s the deal with Arlene’s baby? Alan: “We’ll find out what it is about that doll that makes it creepy. And it’s something creepy.”

Is there hope for Bill and Sookie? The crowd applauds/boos. Anna: “It’s more complicated than that.”

Pam’s face-falling-off? Kristin: “We work hard to make you squeamish. But it’s a very technical experience. 9-hour day, 9-hour shoot.”

Little girl from the audience: “I love you Deborah!” Deborah: “Oh, you’re too young to watch our show.”

Ryan: “I think he’s enjoying the fact that he’s now being called Ghost Daddy.”

(cont) what happened but at least she’s smiling for a change.” – Rutina

Tara as a lesbian cage fighter? “I love the UFC. But I personally don’t like labels. I think Tara fell in love and didn’t know (cont)

Is Jesus secretly dark? Kevin: “There’s a little darkness in everyone. You’ll have to watch to find out.”

Alan: “If you translate the spell placed on Alex, it says ‘you will lose your memory, your shirt, and you will still be insanely hot.'”

Anna: “There’s the part of Sookie who’s sweet. And there’s the part of her that has really dirty vampire sex. Possibly with two vampires.”

Why do people live in Bon Temps? “If you could live in Bon Temps, wouldn’t you?” – Alan Ball

(cont) Kevin Alejandro, Deborah Ann Woll, Kristin Bauer van Straten. Moderated by @EW’s Tim Stack. The panel begins shortly.

Who’s in attendance? Alan Ball, Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Alexander Skarsgard, Rutina Wesley, Nelsan Ellis (cont)

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