What’s Your State’s Favorite Spooky Kid’s Film? – Infographic

We get sent TONS of infographics each week, and we try to only share with you cats the most interesting… on tap right now a look at the U.S. and which spooky kid’s film is the most beloved by state. Dig it!
Via the Frontier Communications website:
October brings fall colors to the trees and spooky movies to streaming services. Finding scary movies for adults, like The Babadook, It Follows, and even black and white films like Nosferatu, is easy; but finding kid-appropriate Halloween movies is a little trickier. We took it upon ourselves to weed out the best spooky movies for kids so you don’t have to.
To do this, we created a list of all the spooky movies for kids that are currently available on the popular streaming services Amazon®, Hulu®, and Netflix®. We used Google Trends data from October 2016 to compare movies against each other and dig a little deeper to find what state searched the most for a movie.
Why states? Well, why not! Your kids will be in the know for what’s popular, have something to talk about during recess or lunch, and see what other states consider to be spooky movies for kids.
Based off these findings, we’ve compiled a list of holiday-themed movies for kids by state that you can stream with your children this Halloween—stick with your state’s favorite or branch out and try something new.