WB Ressurects Mr. Hex

When you have a character named Jonah Hex, you really can’t make it without some supernatural elements, can you? I mean, the name itself implies magic in its most wicked form.
The creators of the upcoming adaptation of the DC Comic Jonah Hex believe the same thing, choosing to draw from the comic’s 1990’s run of supernaturally-themed comics for the film rather than the previous extended run in which the character was just a badass cowboy.
The Hollywood Reporter states that Hex, known for his Confederate Army uniform and disfigured face, will face down supernatural threats in the Old West thanks to a script by Pathology penners Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. Warner Bros. hasn’t settled on a director yet, but when they do, rest assured you’ll know about it! I do love me some supernatural cowboy adventures!
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