Casting and Details Emerge for Horror Film Centered Around the Real Life Phenomenon Known as The Hum

In 2012, a strange set of phenomena rocked the planet when people from all over the world reported, and recorded, strange droning sounds that were collectively referred to as “The Hum.” Ultimately unexplainable, these sounds were heard in Russia, Mexico, Canada, New Mexico, Hungary, and elsewhere; they have gone on to become something of a fascination for many, much like those who spend a great deal of time educating themselves and learning about supposed UFO encounters.
Since the phenomenon is shrouded in so much mystery, it’s a perfect foundation for a horror film, wouldn’t you say? At least, that’s what writer/director Dutch Marich thought, as he’s making that the basis of his upcoming horror film Infernum.
We’re told that Marich has signed Suziey Block (The Pact 2, American Mummy, Wonder Valley) and Sarah Schoofs (Gut, Phobia). Filming will commence this winter and end in March.
Additionally, Marich gives us a little taste of what Infernum will be about, saying, “…a huge portion of the movie will be filmed at the most famous and historic rail yard in the country, The Nevada Northern Railway. It is the most well preserved and original steam locomotive rail yard in the country. Some of the cars we are filming on are from 1892.”
Suziey Block will play an artist who has gone back to school to finish her BFA. Her grad show is an installation piece that features various art works representing the theories surround the ominous phenomenon, which she has a deeply personal connection to.
Below is a video that collects news reports, discussions, and actual videos of “The Hum.” Additionally, we’ve been given a piece of promo art for Infernum that is being used before an official poster. Looks like Marich is making fantastic use of the Nevada Northern Railway and all that it has to offer!