Meet Your Maker – Gearing Up for Your Final Destination

We all have that horror movie slasher we think is the scariest, most powerful of them all. Some go for Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers. All heavy hitters, absolutely. Leatherface and the Firefly Clan? No doubt they are ruthless, cold-blooded blood-letters, but only one film series features a killer more powerful than all the rest.
A killer that is truly indestructible because there is nothing to destroy, no body to eradicate, no spirit to eviscerate. Only the Final Destination series can boast the most powerful killer of all: Death himself.
True, the series has had its ups and downs, but as we welcome a fifth installment with Final Destination 5, we have to appreciate what this series brings to the table. What can you count on with a Final Destination film? What do you KNOW you are going to get?
Well, you are guaranteed a massive, bloody disaster within the first 15 minutes or so of the film. That is a 100 percent, take it to the bank sure thing! And we all know there have been some crazy, badass scenes of destruction in the FD series. The most memorable, of course, was the highway pile-up in Final Destination 2! That scene alone made up for any shortcomings the sequels to follow may have had.
And, of course, you can also count on some serious edge of your seat, waiting for the payoff moments. Think back to the original film, watching Death chase Devon Sawa’s Alex as he ran for his life (literally). Who could forget that train bearing down on the poor lad as he sat helplessly stuck on the tracks. No doubt some serious nail-biting was going on by viewers far and wide. And as fans we sit, nearly giddy, in the theater watching Death, the ultimate slasher, focus in on the next unsuspecting victim, circling like a great white shark before finally going in for the gruesome kill we paid our admission to see. Final Destination delivers that every time. This is what we pony up the dough for and this is what it gives us. Every time.
The FD series serves up those basic things that we want in a horror film. We want blood! Check, it’s delivered by every Final Destination film, buckets of it! We want tension! Tension? Please! One character after another is walking a tightrope between life and death in nearly every scene of the series. One wrong step and it’s electrocution, hanging in the shower or any other of a list of nasty things that could turn your lights out. And you don’t have to worry about the filmmakers pulling the old cutaway trick. Oh no, no, no, Gorehounds. Sure, some of the later films had their problems, but if nothing else, the Final Destination series shows you Death’s work in all its gory glory.
So here we are. Four films and over $600 million earned at the box office later. Not bad for an idea that was originally intended to be an episode of “The X-Files.” (Mulder and Scully would have crapped themselves dealing with this situation!) Final Destination is welcoming in a entirely new cast of characters when it opens nationwide on August 12.
Instead of the plane crash or highway pileup, roller-coaster disaster, etc., this installment features a harrowing scene on a suspension bridge. Buckle up, folks. Sounds like more of the same exciting action we’ve come to expect to open these films. And although the cast is all new, one familiar face returns to the series as horror legend Tony Todd reprises his role in the series. Can’t go wrong with The Candyman! Can’t ever go wrong.
And all this upcoming devastation we are sure to be feasting our eyes on come August 12th will be in the capable hands of director Steven Quale. Making his feature film debut with Final Destination 5, Quale promises to bring a fresh take to the series that has haunted our theaters for over a decade.
With the fifth installment in the series about drop, Final Destination has become a legendary horror series. You can place it right up there with Saw as one of the biggest money-making horror franchises of recent times. Moviegoers continue to flock to the theaters each time the promise of another round of Death, doom and destruction rears its ugly head. This upcoming sequel promises to be no different. He will be back. The ultimate killing machine. The entity that snuffs out life better than any other because that’s what he does. Death is coming. Put your seats in the upright and locked position because your Final Destination is approaching.
Be prepared. Death arrives in theatres on August 12th. Check out the official Final Destination 5 website for more, and click here for our Final Destination 5 set visit.

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