Pledge to Pre-Order Before the Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon RIGHT NOW and HELP Get the Movie Made and More!

Before the Mask on Facebook
Quick question for you … if the sequel to Behind the Mask was coming out, say, next week, you’d buy it, right? I know we would. After the first flick, who doesn’t want a sequel? Here’s the deal … not only can you reserve yourself a copy of the sequel on DVD and Blu-ray RIGHT NOW, but by doing so you’ll also be helping to get the flick made! How friggin’ cool is that?!?
In 2006 director Scott Glosserman took the horror world by storm with his debut feature, Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon, the mockumentary which followed Leslie Vernon as he planned his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo.
After years of rumors that Glosserman was preparing a new Leslie Vernon film, the whole team – filmmakers and actors – are back for another round. This time Glosserman requests the help of Leslie Vernon’s loyal fans to compile financing for the “sprequel” – a mash-up of a sequel, prequel, and remake – to Behind The Mask.
With Before the Mask Glosserman has set a goal to be the first film to raise all funds through crowd financing on Facebook.
Do you want to see the next Leslie Vernon movie? All you have to do is pre-reserve the DVD today and help it get made.
It’s simple; the filmmakers and stars are back for another round and are looking to you, the indie horror community, for a commitment. They need YOU to pre-reserve a copy of the finished product. The money you pledge to buy the DVD will help fund the flick! That’s a pretty clear return on your investment.
You WILL NOT be charged until this project is FUNDED and GREENLIT. That means all you have to do is pledge to pre-order it. If enough money is raised, you’ll get the “Supporters’ Edition” of the Blu-ray or DVD that you would have bought anyway. If not, hell, at least we tried, right? Come on! Make some history with us!
Already fans have flocked to the Before the Mask Facebook page to pledge over $6,000 by pre-ordering special edition DVDs and merchandise for Before the Mask. And now new premium items have been added to the Before the Mask store offering fans the opportunity to buy a walk-on role, party with the cast at the wrap party, or receive a phone call from the film’s star Nathan Baesel.
The video below features a special message from Leslie himself asking Vernonites to join together to support the making of Before the Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon.
Premium Items Just Added to Store:
• GRATITUDE! Of course we’ll give you your choice of the Supporters’ Edition of the DVD or Blu-Ray AND the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, but the director, Scott Glosserman, and Leslie Vernon’s look alike, Nathan Baesel, will personally call you to thank you for your “pre”pre-purchases. $250
• FAN PACKAGE! Includes a special prop from the film/a phone call from the director, Scott Glosserman/signed poster by the cast/Supporters’ Edition of the DVD or Blu-Ray/copy of the original motion picture soundtrack. $500
• BE AN EXTRA IN THE MOVIE! We’ll let you know when our shooting days are so you can choose when to come (don’t worry, we’ll be shooting weekends). Supporters’ Edition of the DVD/Blu-Ray included. You’ll have to pay your way and put yourself up, but we will have discounted rates at our cast/crew hotel, and if we’re not dead tired, party with us, too! $750
• SPEND THE DAY ON THE SET AND ATTEND OUR WRAP PARTY! Come watch our final day of shooting and party with our exhausted asses the night we wrap production. You’ll be responsible for getting there and putting yourself up, but we’ll have hotel deals…or you may just get lucky with a survivor girl/guy…doubtful, but you never know. $1,000
• OWN LESLIE VERNON’S OUTFIT, SCYTHE AND MASK!! We’ll make three of Leslie Vernon’s “Boy” getups for filming. These carefully crafted costumes will be created by our visual effects team, and Nathan Baesel will wear them throughout production. Only one outfit survived the original movie so this will be the ultimate collector’s item from B4TM! $5,000
• GET KILLED IN THE MOVIE! That’s right! Every horror fan’s wet dream, come true! These scenes occur on specific shooting days so your schedule must be flexible. If there was ever a good reason for sick days…We’ll fly you out and put you up at our cast/crew hotel, and we’ll treat you like a star. Then we’ll bloody you up for your big moment. $7,500

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