Mansfield 66/67 Still Gallery Courtesy of The Devil
Hot on the heels of our Mansfield 66/67 review, we have several images to share with you cats. Let’s just say the devil made us do it!
The film, directed by P. David Ebersole and Todd Hughes, stars Ann Magnuson, Richmond Arquette, Kenneth Anger, and A.J. Benza.
Who could resist cheering for Jayne Mansfield — the punk Marilyn Monroe and the ultimate atomic-era sex-positive kitten-gone-berserk — as she navigates the cultural and spiritual landscape of a quickly changing world.
Defined by her hunger for publicity, she was impossible to categorize though the headlines her life inspired certainly tried: Can a Sex Siren Be a Good Mother?, Love Goddess With a Jinx, The Smartest Dumb Blonde…
Welcome to MANSFIELD 66/67, a true story based on rumor and hearsay, where classic documentary interviews and archival materials are blended with dance numbers, performance art, and animation, elevating a tabloid tale of a fallen Hollywood idol into a celebration of the mythical proportions of a true original we can’t help but live to love more each day.