Watch as The Vault of the Macabre Opens – Featuring Clive Barker, Stephen Moyer, and Adam Baldwin! – Trick or Treat?

A new short film is here that’s more than fit to share on this the spookiest of days… that’s right, kids! Up next for your viewing pleasure is a short film entitled The Vault of the Macabre from YouTuber TheDazzatron
. Even cooler? It features narration from Clive Barker, Stephen Moyer, and Adam Baldwin!
The following video is part of our Trick or Treat? feature that will run until Halloween. We leave it to you to decide whether the subject is good (Treat) or bad (Trick). Either way, let us know in the comments section below, and look for more soon! Missed any Tricks or Treats? Visit the Dread Central Trick or Treat? archive!
A Trilogy of terror for the Halloween season – “Betty Rose Nivens’ Halloween” Narrated by Clive Barker, “Nathaniel” Narrated by Adam Baldwin & “The House upon the Hill” narrated By Stephen Moyer.