The Original Straw Dogs and Darkness Falls Come to Blu-ray

High Def Digest
Some quick news for your collectors of all things high definition out there … two movies are about to quietly hit Blu-ray high definition, and we’d be remiss if we did not bring them to your attention.
First up, according to High Def Digest the original 1971 version of Straw Dogs is gearing up to come home (See? Remakes are good for something!) on September 6th via MGM/UA. No supplemental materials have been announced yet, but we’ll keep our eyes open for ya.
And secondly, Jonathan Leibesman’s 2003 spookfest that didn’t play by its own rules, Darkness Falls, will be making its Blu-ray debut on October 18th via Image Entertainment. Once again no extras have been announced, but we do have the artwork for you. Dig it below!

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