Hobo Rides the Rails Into Syracuse for Salt City Horror Fest

Salt City Horror Fest Event Page on Facebook
On August 16, the Palace Theater is going to give Syracuse, NY its biggest thrill since Carmelo Anthony brought the National Championship home or Jim Brown was rumbling down the sidelines for the Orange. The Palace Theater is welcoming a heavily armed Hobo.
Salt City Horror Fest will present a 35mm triple feature of Hobo With A Shotgun, the Nazi zombie classic Shock Waves (1977) and Herschell Gordon Lewis’ one-of-a-kind splatterfest The Wizard of Gore (1970 – Yeah, the original. None of that Crispin Glover nonsense). The fun begins at 7pm and tickets are only $10. You heard me right! A lousy 10 bucks for three great movies! Even the hobo would have to smile at that, packing heat or not!
Included in that miniscule $10 ticket price is a chance to rub elbows with some of Syracuse’s horror personalities, including: The Vegan Zombie and his Zombie Crew and plenty of vendors and artists rounding out the festivities. More personalities will be announced so keep an eye on the event’s Facebook page for more info! Go, Orangemen!

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