Horror Equity Fund Launches Fundraising Campaign

The Horror Equity Fund has begun raising cash so that they and YOU can start raising a little hell. Read on for details.
From the Press Release:
Horror Equity Fund, Inc. (HEF), is proud to announce the official start to its Reg. CF equity funding campaign this month. HEF is offering first-time as well as experienced investors the opportunity to access, participate in, and profit from the exciting world of horror and thriller entertainment.
Visit Horror Equity Fund Start Engine to view the process and positive response so far!
HEF has created a proven business model that is unique in the horror genre. It’s all about mitigation of risk. To invest in today’s golden era of horror entertainment, they have established a cross-collateralized, diversified portfolio, and profit participation strategy that mitigates risk and increases the opportunity for the highest return on investment.
“The world of horror has lacked a unified community where they can find one another, participate in, and profit from this popular genre. Horror Equity Fund offers those fans, content creators and investors transparency, honesty, integrity, and one of the deepest creative benches in horror,” said Marlon Schulman, CEO and Co-Founder of Horror Equity Fund.
With vast resources including key strategic partners and consultants at HEF’s disposal, the doors of this previously inaccessible genre, once only the private domain of angel investors, banks, and major studios, swing wide open. Unlike other entertainment companies, they are positioned to curate, develop, and accelerate to market horror projects in film, television, video games, AR/VR, live action, books, toys, merchandising, and more.
Stay tuned for updates; and for more information in the meantime, visit the official Horror Equity Fund website, “like” Horror Equity Fund on Facebook, and follow Horror Equity Fund on Twitter and Instagram.