A Nightmare on Your Street!

Our sexaholic friends over at Arrow in the Head just delivered the good news that New Line is finally releasing A Nightmare on Elm Street back onto the big screen!
In celebration of the 2-disc special edition DVD due out September 26th (which you should pre-order here), New Line will be putting the brand new, sparkling clean Nightmare in theaters across the country on September 20 and 21. These screenings will serve as a preview of the DVD and will include a special “Freddy’s Best Kills” feature, which will only be shown during the 2-night event.
Can you say badass? I can. I was just on the cusp of being able to see this in a theater when I was a wee lad but sadly missed it until the wonders of home video. To see it on the big screen clean, crisp, and sexy… it’s like Christmas!
Keep your eyes on Fandango for ticket availability, chumps!
Quip like Freddy in our forums!