Grimm Up North Horror Festival Announces 2011 Dates and New Venue

Our mates across the pond who run the Grimm Up North Horror Festival in Manchester, England, have reported in with some big announcements for the 2011 edition. They’ve moved the dates up to earlier in October than in previous years, and they have a new venue! As usual, we’ve got all the info you need right here.
From the Press Release: Here at Grimm Central, dark deeds are afoot. Plots are being hatched, sinister allegiances are being made, and contracts are being drawn up in blood. Bad things are stirring. Grimm Up North 3 is taking shape – bigger, better, bloodier, more brutal than ever before. We’ve a whole host of horrifying cinematic shocks in store. There’ll be weird and wonderful world premieres, gruesome guests, monstrous master classes, and all manner of other traumatic treats.
We’ll be offering up a few bloody tit-bits from this year’s programme over the next couple of weeks, just to give you a taster…
But first it’s time for you to get out your diaries, open a handy vein, and write down the dates and the location of this year’s journey into darkness.
Grimm Up North 3 will be casting its dark, cold shadows over Manchester from October 6th to October 9th 2011. We’ve brought it forward a couple of weeks because it’s been brought to our attention that for a lot of you freaks out there Halloween has turned into some kind of family holiday. And Grimm is most definitely not suitable for the kiddies. So now all you Fearsome Fathers and Monstrous Mothers can start your Samhain celebrations early with a cornucopia of cinematic chills and carnage and still go trick or treating with your offspring later in the month. And as for the rest of you, you just get to start the party a few weeks early.
We also have a lovely new venue partner: the awesome AMC Cinemas in the heart of the gruesome Great Northern Warehouse on the dark end of Deansgate. While the rest of Manchester’s multiplexes opt for Harry Potter overkill, saturating their screens with JK Rowling’s speccy boy wizard, AMC Cinemas still find space for the rip-roaring retro-80s Rutger Hauer revenge flick HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN. Clearly they are our kind of guys. And they’ve got 3D, digital screens, and Dolby 5.1 so this is going to be the best-looking, best-sounding Grimm yet.

Grimm Up North 2011 prices and ticketing information will be announced very soon. And of course they’ll be offering a few shocking glimpses of the kind of horror show you can expect.
In the meantime stay up-to-date on all the latest via the official Grimm Up North website (where you can also find submission information), befriend them on Facebook, and of course, follow them on Twitter.
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