*UPDATE* Bryan Cranston to Be Breaking Bad for World War Z? New Behind-the-Scenes Imagery

The Hollywood Reporter
There are few actors working in the business today that we respect and admire more than “Breaking Bad”‘s Bryan Cranston. This guy can effortlessly deliver chilling at the flip of a switch and has won us over wholeheartedly. The prospect of him killing zombies? Please, lord, make it so!
According to THR Cranston (pictured right) is in negotiations to join Paramount’s World War Z, a post-apocalyptic thriller starring Brad Pitt. The role is said to be small but flashy; little is known about the part.
The novel is set 10 years after a global zombie epidemic and is an oral history told from many perspectives around the world. Brad Pitt is playing a U.N. worker gathering stories of the great zombie war, and his Plan B shingle is producing. Mireille Enos (“Big Love”, “The Killing”) will play his wife, a mother of two girls, and Anthony Mackie co-stars.
Marc Forster directs. J. Michael Straczynski and Matt Carnahan wrote the script.
The good folks over at Splash News have landed themselves some paparazzi shots from the set of World War Z. Dig on one of them below and hit up that link for more.
“Feeling the pinch of a cold British summer morning, Brad appeared wrapped up on board the yellow SD Salmoor where most of the filming is taking place. The admiralty salvage vessel was covered in wax and fake icicles plus a hoard of locals that were signed up as extras. The crew set sail to a nearby location and returned banging weapons and hollering for the camera.”

More soon.
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