Twilight Falls On DVD

There was a lot of controversy surrounding the multi-director Twilight Zone movie that hit theatres back in the early 1980s. Film fact ghouls like myself love to get our hands on factoids and sometimes heartbreaking behind-the-scenes stories, and Twilight was no different.
One of the stories featured a location set in Vietnam. A jungle was created and even a helicopter was brought in to make the scene more dramatic. Well, during Vic Morrow’s escape he and two children were killed when the chopper lost control and crashed blades-first into them. Why am I telling you all this? Well, one because DVDActive got a hold of the cover art and two … there are no real details on special features, only a release date of October 9th for the standard, HD-DVD and Blu-ray discs.
I know it is depressing filler, but the news that no features had been named made me wonder if the whole incident is going to be glazed over with no tribute to a great actor and two small children. Enough of my bitching; head on over to the Evilshop and pre-order Twilight Zone: The Movie.
There’s something on the wing! Warn the forums!
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