Buy Stuff From Eibon Press, Get More Stuff For Free

Eibon Press have announced that they’re starting Black Friday a day early and will be running their specials for almost a week, through November 28th. This year, they’re doing something a little different, a little more interesting. Rather than reduce prices on their inventory, they’re doing a deal where depending on how much you buy from their store, you’ll get a certain amount of free swag in addition to your order.
The first tier sees anyone who makes a purchase getting two double-sided mini-posters featuring art from their upcoming Bottomfeeder and Maniac vs The New York Ripper series. The second tier sees anyone who spends at least $30 getting a free copy of their VHS Comics titleĀ Laserblast plus the mini-posters. The final tier is for those who spend $50 or more, and that will net the mini-posters, the #1 issue of Laserblast, and a free copy of Lucio Fulci’s Gates of Hell #2.
Lastly, five random people will receive an extra bonus gift, which they won’t reveal but promise that “…you’ll love it!”
All orders can be placed via Eibon Press.