Pulp Fiction Meets Psycho Meets Scream Meets Friday the 13th


Sometimes the world of sketch comedy can provide some serious gold. Case in point: a Russian sketch comedy series on YouTube has a running gag that involves Pulp Fiction‘s Jules and Vincent dealing with a body wrapped in garbage bags. The problem is they keep having trouble finding ways to dispose of the corpse, so they jump from movie to movie in order to try to find the right spot. In one video, they go from Titanic to The Matrix to Man of Steel trying to accomplish this task, all to no avail.

But in a one-off clip, the duo find themselves in the shower from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho when they are beset upon by Scream‘s Ghostface, who is, for some reason, wearing Jason’s hockey mask from Friday the 13th. Talk about a hodgepodge of horror all mashing into one strange video!





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