Celebrate 25 Years of Spawn at Burbank’s Hyaena Gallery

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Todd McFarlane’s hyper-violent, gritty horror series Spawn, which follows the exploits of Al Simmons, a CIA assassin who was betrayed by his boss. Making a bargain with the Devil, Simmons became Spawn, a powerful entity that does the bidding of Malebolgia, one of the highest rulers of Hell. As the comics evolved, so too did Simmons’ arc and the relationships that bound him.
Adapted into a live-action film in 1997 as well as an HBO animated series, not to mention an upcoming reboot from McFarlane himself, the series has become a part of pop culture, a cult hit that, much like Simmons, refuses to die and fade from our memories. Personally, I’m all for that as the series is wildly inventive, gorgeously drawn, and pulls no punches.
To celebrate its anniversary, today the Hyaena Gallery in Burbank, CA, is holding an art show that showcases 25 artists’ take on the iconic character. You’ll see work from artists such as Dos Diablos, Evan Lopez, Brendon Flynn, and many more. Below are some examples.
The gallery is open through tonight, and there will be a closing reception from 8-11pm. More information can be found on Hyaena Gallery’s website.