Supernatural’s Evil Angel Now Hunting Blood Suckers on The Vampire Diaires

Entertainment Weekly
The small screen hasn’t seen the end of Sebastian Roche, whom we last saw being stabbed by Castiel in the “Supernatural” season finale. The man’s got himself both a new gig and a new menace to contend with!
According to Entertainment Weekly Roche (pictured right) has been booked as a recurring guest star on the new season of The CW’s “The Vampire Diaries”.
Executive producer Julie Plec tells EW Roche will play “a very mysterious man who appears to be hunting vampires, most specifically Klaus.” Mysterious indeed. As Plec explains, “For some reason, Klaus, who shouldn’t be afraid of anybody, seems to be concerned about this person.” The character was originally to be named Eric, but since the show is also introducing a character in Season 3 named Bill (“Heroes”‘ Jack Coleman), the name of Roche’s character will be changing. “To protect from accidental ‘True Blood’ comparisons,” Plec laughs.
Keep it here for more “The Vampire Diaries” news soon, and be sure to watch the season premiere on September 15th.
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