Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth Gets a Dread and Blood-Soaked Trailer

It was a whopping two years ago (!) that we brought you guys a host of exclusive first look images from writer-director Roger Conners’ Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth.
Now two years later we have the film’s trailer!
I know how sick most of us are of zombie movies, let alone remakes, sequels, prequels, and re-imaginings of George A. Romero’s nightmare classic Night of the Living Dead. But all of that aside this super-low-budget offering seems to have a certain dread seeping from its undead bones. I’m intrigued.
You can check out the trailer for yourself below. Then make sure to let us know if you think this new NOTLD film will hold even the slightest candle to the original. I have faith. For some reason. Let us know what you think below!
Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth is written and directed by Roger Conners and stars Aswan Harris, Roger Conners, and Alvin Hudson. There doesn’t seem to be a release date set for the film yet, we’ll let you know when we hear more! Stay tuned.
What begins as an annual visit to their family gravesite quickly becomes a night of sheer terror as two brothers are unexpectedly forced to fight back against a sudden onslaught of violent assailants. Soon, eight complete strangers find themselves barricaded inside a rural farmhouse in an attempt to survive against the ever-growing army of murderous creatures outside. As the night drags on, they soon begin to realize that the real threat is not what’s trying to get inside. It’s each-other.
Not so much a remake as it is a modern-day retelling of the ground-breaking horror masterpiece, Rebirth will attempt to tackle the human and political topics the original piece is so recognized for and readdress them from a modern angle. Topics acknowledged in the original film such as racial prejudices and government control will be once again brought to the forefront while interjecting the ideas of homophobia and religious influence on modern society.