Top Five Indie Film Hustle Podcasts for Horror Filmmakers

We’re about to hit New Year’s Day and that means a lot of you out there are going to make a resolution that 2018 will be the year that you finally make a movie! Well, rather than scoff or give a sarcastic “Sure…“, we’re instead choosing to help all you fledgling filmmakers out there by providing you with what we believe to be some invaluable help!
To that end, we have reached out to Alex Ferrari, the voice behind Indie Film Hustle, a podcast/site aimed at helping filmmakers navigate through all the various issues that can arise from inception to release. It’s a long journey with many twists and turns, and even one misstep can set you back considerably, so why not let Ferrari and his podcast, which features guests throughout the filmmaking world, help guide you along this path?
To help you take these first few steps, we got Ferrari to curate five of what he believes to be the most important podcasts for aspiring filmmakers as well as give descriptions for each one. Now, that isn’t denying the importance of his other episodes, each of which will offer critical information; it’s just his personal picks.
Head below to listen, and make sure to click the link above to subscribe to his podcast, check out his site, and see what he’s all about!
#5 How to Create Suspense Like Hitchcock with Jeffery Michael Bays
Have you ever wanted to know how Alfred Hitchcock became the master of suspense? How Hitch used the camera and lens to create terror in the audience? Well, you can watch all 52 films Hitchcock directed or if you want to get a head start on you Hitchcock education you should listen to today’s guest, Jeffery Michael Bays, the author of the new book Suspense with a Camera: A Filmmaker’s Guide to Alfred Hitchcock. Enjoy my conversation with Jeffery Michael Bays.
#4 How to Make a Killer Horror Film in One Location with Michael Williams
If you have a micro or no budget feature film shooting in one location will make life a lot easier. Now, how do you make that one location look great and not boring through your film? Indie Filmmaker Michael Williams did just that with his new horror film The Atoning. Enjoy my conversation with Michael Williams.
#3 Blair Witch Project: Directing an Indie Horror Film Phenomenon with Eduardo Sanchez
Who hasn’t heard of the now legendary indie film rags to riches tale of The Blair Witch Project? Every film student from Los Angeles to Mumbai heard the story of how two young film students spent $27,000 (mostly from friends, family and credit cards) to make a little indie horror film that ended up grossing $250 million worldwide.
Directors Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick shot The Blair Witch Project in a new way which would later be called “found footage.” Without The Blair Witch Project, there is no Paranormal Activity, no Cloverfield, no The Last Exorcism.
Today’s guest Eduardo Sanchez goes back to the late 90’s and shares his experience on what it was like to be in the center of The Blair Witch Project hurricane, what it was like being on the cover of Time Magazine, and how did it feel to be the toast of Hollywood…for a period of time.
We also discuss the aftermath, how his career grew post-Blair Witch and crazy stories of Hollyweird.
#2 How to Write a Screenplay with Fight Club Screenwriter Jim Uhls
I have a MAJOR treat for the tribe. I have none other than Jim Uhls, the master screenwriter behind David Fincher’s Fight Club, one of the greatest films of my generation, in my humble option.
When Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club was making the rounds in Hollywood, it was a tough sale to be adapted for the screen. But then Brad Pitt got involved followed by David Fincher and Ed Norton. Throw Jim Uhls into the mix and you’ve got a modern classic.
Jim’s screenwriting credits include of course the modern classic Fight Club, the feature film Jumper, the NBC television film Semper Fi, and the Syfy miniseries “Spin”.
In this remarkable discussion, Jim Uhls breaks the first rule of Fight Club: he talks about it, working with David Fincher, why he hates outlines, and why you should interview your characters. Step inside the mind of the man who figured out how to conquer Hollywood as he lays down knowledge bomb after knowledge bomb in this eye-opening interview.
Towards the end of the interview Jim gives easily the GREATEST ADVICE ON HOW TO BECOME A WORKING SCREENWRITER I’VE EVER HEARD! This podcast is not to be missed.
#1 Why Filmmakers Are Always So F*cking Broke and What They Can Do to Change It
I hope I got your attention with that title. I’m truly PISSED OFF, guys, and am tired of seeing my fellow indie filmmakers and artists struggle to make a living doing what they love. I decided to put together a list of steps that every indie filmmaker needs to do in order to thrive in the film business.
Since my website is called Indie Film Hustle, the terminology I’ll be using will be aimed at filmmaking or screenwriting, but all of these concepts can be applied to any art form.