Exclusive: Filmmaker and Photographer Ama Lea Dishes on Her 80’s Slasher Photo Series Killer Consumers

Killing oversexed teenagers is one thing, but how do cinema’s most iconic slashers fare in the world of home economics? LA-based dynamo filmmaker and photographer Ama Lea has explored this concept in her well-received satirical photo series “Killer Consumers,” and we caught up with her to get the skinny on the project.
“I don’t know what my exact inspiration was,” said Lea of the series, which debuted at ScareLA over the summer and then found its way to the SugarMynt Gallery show “Welcome to Haddonfield II” this past October on Meridian Avenue (directly behind the famous Myers house in South Pasadena), “but I do know that I was on the treadmill when it popped into my head! The first concept was that of Freddy Krueger testing out mattresses in a mattress store, and I started laughing out loud like a crazy person at the thought. From there I started exploring where I thought slashers would shop and what they’d buy and what they’d do with their products.”
As for how she pulled it off, Lea offered, “I won’t go into specifics because I’ve already been arrested once this year for living the Herzog lifestyle, but I will say that I contacted character actor Robert Bjork, who pretty much has every realistic, high-end horror cosplay ever, and he portrayed Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Leatherface.”
As for Myers, who appears in the series rather disenchanted with the quality of the cheap pumpkin carving kit he’s purchased (full disclosure: I appeared as the character for Lea), she stated, “I knew from past Halloweens that you had an amazing Myers, so I called you forth. We shot these in late summer so pumpkins weren’t yet available, so I drove for two hours to a farm that sold me a giant, and very overpriced, pumpkin!”
Check out the cheeky series below. Prints can be purchased on Ama Lea’s website at shopamalea.com or at SugarMynt Gallery (the latter has one last framed Myers in stock). For more follow Ama Lea on her Instagram @missamalea.