Motion Picture Purgatory: Cold Fish

Sion Sono’s Cold Fish recently screened during the 2011 Fantasia Film Festival, and our own Rick Trembles was on the scene and has reported back with a review as only he can!
Synopsis: When Shamotoʼs teenage daughter is caught stealing, a generous middle-aged man helps to resolve the situation. The man and his wife offer to have Shamotoʼs daughter work at their fish store. Shamoto soon discovers the horrific truth of the seemingly perfect couple…who force him to get his hands dirty in their brutal business. Inspired by true events, COLD FISH is a bloodcurdling suspense drama that unveils the underlying insanity of an ordinary man.
Click here for a list of theatres where you can catch Cold Fish during its limited theatrical run; after that look for it on DVD and iTunes August 23rd. VOD fans can catch it as it begins to spread from September 23rd through November 22nd.