DMZ Adaptation Meets its Doom

Brian Wood’s Official Blog
Crappy news coming in for fans of Vertigo Comics’ DMZ series. It looks like a small screen adaptation, or any adaptation for that matter, is now officially out of the cards.
Comic book writer Brian Wood updated his blog this week with the sad news of the possible television adaptation’s demise.
“We also had a near miss with setting DMZ up as a television show, at a verrrry respectable network, and it’s a bit crushing,” says Wood. “I had hoped the whole new “DC Entertainment” meant they’d be better about this sort of thing … and this deal seemed like a gift from heaven … but apparently not.”
And so it goes, my friend.
DMZ centers on the near future, where a second civil war has turned the island of Manhattan into a demilitarized zone, caught between forces of the United States of America and secessionist “Free States.”

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