Night of the Living Dead Will Be Getting Reanimated in VR

Next year will see the 50th anniversary of George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead, perhaps one of the most influential and important horror movies ever released. To celebrate this milestone, VR/360° company Supersphere has teamed up with Image Ten, the rights holders of Night of the Living Dead, to develop a multi-platform VR experience around the film.
Image Ten’s Gary Streiner, who served as the film’s sound engineer and co-investor, states, “Virtual reality is incredibly stimulating and offers a whole new slate of possibilities for Night of the Living Dead fans to engage with the world and its characters. We are excited to partner with Supersphere to explore what that will look like and to deliver something special to fans in the new year.”
Doug Allenstein, Partner and Executive Producer at Supersphere, adds, “Night of the Living Dead is one of those films that has become a cultural touchstone; it revolutionized the horror genre, and to this day it influences how we envision zombies. Over the last fifty years the original film has generated a vast franchise, and we’re thrilled to be working with the team at Image Ten to now expand that franchise to the next generation of storytelling: virtual reality.”
It’ll be interesting to see what they plan on doing with the title and how they’re going to expand the universe that Romero brought to life. We’ll do some digging to see if we can find out more!